Equinox Psychiatry and Therapy is a multidisciplinary mental health services center that offers mental health and substance abuse treatment services for the English-speaking communities of Istanbul.
Since 2012, we have been providing psychiatric and psychotherapeutic services, in English, in an in-patient and out-patient context (such as one-on-one sessions, family and couple therapy sessions, etc.)
Starting from September 2018 on, we are glad to announce the opening of our Group Therapy Sessions in English. Whether you are struggling with a specific psychological problem (such as Depression, Anxiety, a problematic relationship with drugs/alcohol), or you just want to gain self- awareness and improve your life and relationships with others, joining Group Therapy could be a life-changing experience for you. Please contact us for any further information on how Group Therapy could help you and how you could join a Group fitting your needs and your psychological profile.
With what kind of problems could Group Therapy benefit you?
We recognize that life can be difficult from time to time. Group Therapy can help with these difficulties whether it be a temporary crisis, life transition, ongoing emotional distress, the aftermath of a trauma, the stresses and growing pains of life, or simply a better everyday experience. Whether you have a clear diagnosis (like depression, anxiety, etc.) or undiagnosed emotional or mental pain, difficulties managing relationships, oran inner sense of turmoil, confusion and emptiness Group Therapy could help.
How does Group Therapy work?
Joining a group of strangers may sound intimidating at first, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way. Regularly talking and listening to others also helps you put your own problems in perspective. Many people experience mental health difficulties, but few speak openly about them to people they don't know well. Oftentimes, you may feel like you are the only one struggling - but you're not. It can be a relief to hear others discuss what they're going through, and realize that you're not alone. Diversity is another important benefit of group therapy. People have different personalities and backgrounds, and they look at situations in different ways. By seeing how other people tackle problems and make positive changes, you can discover a whole range of strategies for facing your own concerns.
Why Group Therapy is effective?
1. Because it helps you realize you are not alone.
2. Because it facilitates giving and receiving support.
3. Because it helps you find your voice.
4. Because it helps you relate to yourself and others in healthier ways.
5. Because it provides a safety net.
What is a Self-Development Therapy Group?
Socrate’s famous statement “know thyself” (“Gnothi seauton”) constitutes the keystone of self-awareness. It is on self- awareness that mental and emotional health are being relied on. Self-awareness process is an experiential procedure of changing behaviors and perceptions. The better a person understands themselves, the better they can understand others, thus the more satisfactory and meaningful their relationships can be. Self-awareness enables the person to live their life with love and respect towards themselves and others- while remaining genuine and in accordance to their values.
The experiential learning taking place in a Group Therapy team for Self- Development doesn’t aim at gaining just knowledge but it’s more about emotional completion and development of interpersonal skills. In the safe environment of the team, team members are being facilitated to express their positive or negative feelings, learn to cope better with their emotions, learn to listen and understand others better, learn to manage their internal or external conflicts more effectively.
Experiential Group Therapy Team for Self-Development gives great importance to experience gained within the team and produced by the team’s dynamics; the experience taking place “Right here, right now!” The members of a Self- Development Team aren’t “patients” but “normal” people willing to use the experience of the Group Therapy, not as a therapeutic means only, but rather as an experience to become more mature and emotionally resilient. Under a strictly confidential therapeutic contract, the members of the Group;
Share information, emotions and experiences,
Exchange information and feedback,
Get a better insight into ways others cope with problems similar to theirs,
Develop their trust towards themselves and others,
Learn to identify, express and cope with their emotions,
Develop their communicational and social skills.
Group Therapy participants are able to observe, try and adopt new, positive behaviors, within the safe environment of the team. The Group’s moderators, both Psychologists well versed in Group Therapy, by their genuine participation in most of the activities, conversations and feedback, they follow the needs, the desires, the conflicts, the difficulties and the borders of the team. Their interventions and interpretation of the material shared within the Group enables the whole group to evolve emotionally and practically. An Experiential Group Therapy team for personal development lasts for a period of 6 months in total and meets weekly, on a steady day and hour schedule. Sessions last one hour and a half and the maximum number of participants is maximum twelve people per Group.
The Experiential Group Therapy Team will meet for 24 consequent weeks (except for national days and holidays) and will cover themes such as “loving and sharing”, solidarity, ways of finding solutions, taking self-responsibility, self-acceptance, dealing with absence and loss, self-protection, dealing with separation or divorce, handling interpersonal relationships, coping with being different, coping with anger, honesty, trust, guilt, empathy, ability to acquire happiness, jealousy, possessiveness, and goal completion.
Requirements to join Equinox Psychiatry and Therapy Group Therapy
An initial interview will be required. In this first meeting, you will have the chance to meet and talk with your therapist, learn more about the group you will join and form your own therapeutic request (state the reasons you want to enter the group and set your therapeutic goals). For booking a session you can send an e- mail to katerina@equinoxpt.co or call (+90) 543 836 97 82 or (+90) 212 251 30 30.
Group Leader & Co-Leader:
Katerina Tenezou, Clinical Psychologist- Psychotherapist
Buğra Mısri, Clinical Psychologist- Psychotherapist
Mental Health Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kalyoncu, Professor of Psychiatry.
EQUINOX Psychiatry and Therapy, Meşelik Street no: 36 Hrisovergi Building Flat 6, 2nd floor.
Time and Date:
Self-Development Group Therapy:
Every Wednesday at 20:00 (Starting on WED the 10th of October 2018).
Group Therapy 650 TL per month (4 sessions of 1 1⁄2 hours each).